I'm nursing a sore throat and decided to treat myself to a cup of hot chocolate. Nevermind it is 75 degrees and I'm running all the fans in the house.
I heat the milk, stir in the packet of chocolate and go look for marshmallows in the pantry. Of course, Tyler climbed up on a chair and stuck his finger in the hot drink. At least he's learning about "hot" without actually hurting himself, right?
I got sidetracked and let the drink cool down more than I intended. I finished it off rather quickly since it wasn't very hot. It wasn't until the last couple of swallows that I noticed a definite peppermint flavor. Now, this is a ceramic coffee mug, not plastic, but I still began to wonder if the mug had absorbed some of the flavor from my mom's peppermint tea or something.
It wasn't until I rinsed the cup out that I realized the glob of chocolate at the bottom was NOT undissolved hot chocolate mix but a Junior Mint that Tyler had tossed into the cup.