Tyler learned a new sign yesterday. He pushes on his nose for "pig."
He kept touching his nose yesterday, so I taught him "Tyler's nose" and "Mama's nose." Then I started pushing my nose up and saying, "Oink, oink, oink. Piiiigggg." When he started pushing on his nose, I ran to find his toy pig.
(Note: Tyler flattens his nose instead of pushing it up like a pig nose. And sometimes he gets confused and sticks his finger up his nose!)
He started throwing the toy pig under a table and then frantically pushing on his nose so I would go get the pig. This morning, when I picked up the toy, I asked, "What is this?" He promptly flattened his little nose to tell me "pig."
I started thinking of all the things he can "say" now:
He waves his arm back and forth for "all done."
He claps his hands for "more" or "give me."
He also holds his hand out for "give me."
He waves for "bye-bye" and "night, night."
He waves sideways for "milk."
He slaps his leg for "puppy."
He wiggles his fingers for "spider" -- he doesn't even know what a spider is, he just knows that Mama signs the Itsy-bitsy spider song!
When I ask "Are you hungry?", he scratches his tummy and runs to the pantry.
He actually says "nana" for banana.
He says "aaaa-TAH" for apple.
He says "dada" for Daddy (and for Mama, too!)
He tries to say "yogurt." I can't begin to spell his pronunciation. But he also runs to the fridge and holds out his hand when I ask if he wants some yogurt!
I think he may be trying to say "graham cracker," but that one is really indecipherable.
We're working on teaching him signs for bath, water, and drink. And I keep trying to teach him animal songs. But when I "moooo" or "eeeh eeh eeh, ooh ooh ooh" at him, he only smiles!