We got Tyler all dressed up in his monkey suit, complete with a banana on his head. I've been trying to teach him to make monkey noises for two weeks, but when I "ooh, ooh, ooh, eeh, eeh eeh" at him, he just smiles. His second word, however, is "nana" for "banana," one of his favorite foods!
We walked down to the dead end on our street and not a single porch light was on. We did find welcoming lights at the house across the street and the house next door to us, so we met two couples. All of the other houses were dark.
As a young mother, I needed someone to admire my little monkey on his first Halloween! So we packed up and visited our friends Chad and Ashely, who live about 5 miles away.
Tyler had a great time throwing tupperware around their kitchen, banging their cabinet doors (Chad was not impressed with this trick!) and generally looking for something to get into!
We stayed so long that we ended up feeding Tyler at their house and he fell asleep on the way home. He snored as I carried him into the house; he slept on the changing table while I changed his diaper. And he didn't wake up when I moved him to the crib!
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