Before: The room had been the catch-all room since we moved in July.


Apparently Tyler prefers the messy look. He redecorated in less than 20 minutes:

But he approves of the armchair:

"We don't have to think up a title 'til we get the ... book written." — Carl Sandburg
I wanted to start a blog to share stories about my son with family and friends. I spent hours brainstorming a blog title that works for my 1-year-old and that will still work when he is 8 or 15. It is so amazing to realize that as much as I love this child, I barely know the person he will become. His future is so full of possibilities.... And so we won't limit him with a title on his blog.
1 comment:
It's not the "messy look", it's the "lived in" look. It's been around our house for years.
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