You know how messy children get when they are learning to feed themselves? When my sister and her kids were here last month, we got to witness 1-year-old Carolyn covered in yogurt on more than one occasion and we practically dared each other to kiss her. She only got kisses on top of her head. (And only if it wasn't covered in yogurt yet!)
For example, my sister just sent this picture of Carolyn who attempted to feed herself yesterday. I wonder how much she actually ate?
Tyler, of course, doesn't like to get messy because of his sensory issues. We've been trying harder to get him to feed himself because he's becoming more resistant to being fed.
So yesterday afternoon, when he was telling me he was hungry, but he wasn't eating what I offered, I got out some chocolate Jell-O pudding and three spoons — one for each of Tyler's hands and one for me. He licked the Jell-O off a spoon a few times, and then started offering it to me. Then he dumped the Jell-O on the tray (and his belly) and looked at it with disdain.
I decided to smear globs of Jell-O on my lips and ask for kisses. You'd think he was the adult and I was the child. He neatly turned my head and carefully kissed my clean cheek, avoiding all contact with the messy Jell-O! I wonder what he'd think of Carolyn here?!
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