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Saturday, March 1, 2008

I Am My Parents

As a stay-at-home mom, I'm used to hearing giggles, the patter of little feet and crashing toys. These sounds reassure me that my little punkin is healthy, happy and safe.

When Brian — a very responsible, loving, wonderful father — takes Tyler somewhere without me, I know he's safe.

Don't I?

Yes, I really do. But still, I hate to hear the phone ring when they are out. Especially when I see Brian's number on the caller ID. Until I hear a calm "hey" from the other end of the phone, I'm sure they've been in a car accident.

I laughed at myself just now as I hung up the phone (after a very calm phone call with Brian, who took Tyler shopping).

And then I realized it will get worse. Tyler will turn 16 and he'll be driving the car by himself!

And what about the trips he'll make after his first fender bender (or totaled car, as was the case in my personal story)?

My poor parents. Poor me.

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